Trading currencies to make money is probably one of the most appealing ideas to many people. They, usually, believe that it is the easiest way to earn money without leaving the comfort of their home or to make extra cash besides their regular job. However, many of them neglect the fact that this kind of action brings certain responsibilities and have certain risks. It is everyone´s dream to earn six figures on their account, but it is important to have in mind that there is a possibility that we can lose it all. Therefore, Forex market requires knowledge and skills, and it is surely recommended to find the right company that will meet your needs and be able to offer you a safe trade. The companies are trying to meet their clients’ needs. It may be an important fact. On the other hand, it is more important for the business reputation that a major regulatory body licenses it. Cms Fx with headquarters in New York is one of the companies which operates from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia. There are mixed opinions concerning the reliability of the brokers, but people should be aware that the risks are almost impossible to avoid, and that their lack of knowledge cannot be the mistake of the company.
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Background and Regulation: Long Time in the Market
This company is recognized worldwide, besides it has centers in London, New York, and St. Petersburg. CMS Forex was founded by professional members of the exchange market. Their primary goal is to provide their customers with safe currency trading options. As a result, this company has the most reliable traders, brokers and software engineers. With many companies rising CMS Fx has been able to keep their place in Forex industry since 1999. It was primarily possible because the company offered proper insights to their clients with the help of latest trading technologies, regular dealing activity, and perfect client service. CMS Fx is a leading Forex trading provider registered as Capital Market Services UK Ltd by Futures Commission Merchant (FCM). It is a Forex Dealer Member (FDM) of the National Futures Association (NFA) (Member ID: 0313199). Besides, it is also registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) of U.S. and the Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan.
Cms Fx Trading Platforms
There are some common platforms which are suitable for this company, and those are the following: VT Trader™ 2.0, MetaTrader 4, FX Tradeport and FX Tradeport Plus. The VT Trader is more prominent than others since it is extremely flexible and easy to customize a user interface. It has more than 110 built-in technical indicators and the possibility to build your indicators. This platform offers different management tools and custom price alerts as well as an option for automated trading.
Cms Fx Account Types
Cms Fx has two accounts for their clients:
- Demo account – available for 30 days. It is plenty of time for you to gain some knowledge on currency trading.
- Live account – perfect for all those who experienced trial period.
When you make a deposit with CMS Forex, the money is, in fact, stored on a Forex UK account. This, further, means that there are certain levels of protection that this company provides for clients in the UK. The minimum deposit requirement when you open the account on CMS Fx website is $250. The minimum contract size is a mini lot with 1,000 currency units. Besides, CMS Fx offers new traders education to stay on top of the Forex market. There is a possibility to learn about the principles of trading, technical analysis, and many other issues. You can participate in live online courses which are updated on a daily basis.
Bonus Policy: Nothing to See Here
There are companies which do not have any special offers. Therefore, it is important to mention that the CMS Fx does not provide any special bonuses or promotions if you open the account. There are no special trading conditions, but at least you are protected in a way that there is no risk when depositing or withdrawing funds.
Banking Options
There are many payment options through Bank Wire, Credit Card, PayPal, on-line check and paper checks. Payment options are very simple, and you, as a user with an account, are safe from risks. You can withdraw the funds anytime, and your request will be processed within 24 hours.
Customer Service
CMS Fx offers an excellent customer support service with several possible ways of reaching out to their clients. There are phone numbers visible on their page, and if you are not comfortable with talking over the phone, you can always join the live chat and send an e-mail. They are very efficient and ready to help you solve your problem or provide you the necessary information in many languages of the world like English, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, French, German, Russian, and Korean.